Sunday, 25 November 2012

Liebster Blog Award

This 'ere shiny fellow and his big egg cup dropped into my inbox from Tim Gow today. I'd not heard of it before but apparently you pick your five favourite blogs from the ones one follows and give them the award. When you consider I started blogging in August 2012 to have been one of the awardees was flattering indeed.

So, who are my fave five? Well, it was a VERY tough choice because I love them all equally (how sick making am I?) so, in no order of preference: Drum roll please! 

Megablitz and more Tim was first to welcome/follow me to the blogosphere. I enjoy his mix of posts and the humour they are laced with. He's also a wargaming period tempter par excellence!

View form the Duck Pond Nigel's blog is entertaining and informative. His modelling skills have to be seen to believed and I really like the way he isn't frightened to go back the beginning if he isn't happy with a project's progress. 

The Stronghold Rebuilt I have never met Alan, and I probably never will, but his original The Stronghold was inspirational and The Stronghold Rebuilt has continued that tradition. I really like the way he examines fairly complex matters and then breaks them down into bits even a bear of little brain like me can understand.

Winter of '79 Mark's dark fantasy of civil unrest, civil war and general uncivility in a dystopian UK of 1979 is a complex but accessible and utterly brilliant take on What-If? Marvellous!

Swungover Bobby White's excellent swing dance blog.

Finally a warm hello to my newest blog follower Peter Douglas who actually loves ships more than I do which I didn't think possible. Go and have a look at his blog it's a ship-shape treat!

All the best!


  1. Thanks for the 'award'!

    It is true you're unlikely to meet me (unless you head to Australia, of course), but since you're in Birmingham you're in great danger of encountering both my brother and my dad on the local wargames circuit.

    1. No worries, nothing like a bit of in-house back slapping ;-)

      Which club are they members of? If I can get there I'll be sure to say hi.

      All the best

  2. James

    Thanks for the plug. I like what I see on your site even if I can't eat your cakes (being a celiac)!


    1. Peter Douglas,
      You are very welcome. I've had to stop eating shop bought cakes, they disagree with me. Although if it's a proper tea shop which makes its own then I'm usually ok.

      All the best
